August 10, 2011 2011 12th Annual Senior Fest


For Immediate Release


2011 12th Annual Senior Fest


Brevard County TRIAD

Public Information Officer

(321) 264-6933

Contact: Terri Goodwin


Brevard County TRIAD's 12th Annual Senior Fest

Friday, October 7, 2010 from 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the

Melbourne Auditorium, 625 Hibiscus Boulevard, Melbourne

This FREE event is sponsored by Brevard County TRIAD with major sponsors:  Florida Today, VITAS Innovative Hospice Care, Health First, Wal-Mart, VNA, Your Care Brevard, Allender and Allender, P.A. and Care Plus.          


Senior Fest is an annual event that hosts more than 90 informational booths and offers a hospital-sponsored Health Fair where low-cost health screenings are provided.  Flu shots are offered at   no cost to attendees who have a Medicare Card. Exhibitors include: senior retirement communities, assisted living facilities, AARP, travel agencies, health and wellness businesses, insurance companies, Brevard County agencies and many more.


This year, TRIAD is proud to announce FREE Educational Seminars:


9:15am             Scam Alert                   Learn about current scams and how not to become a victim

                                                            Presented by: State Attorney Investigator Joe Mohr

10:15am           Planning for                  Topics include: Veterans’ Benefits; Living Trusts; Wills;

Tomorrow                    Durable Powers of Attorney, and Health Surrogates

                                    Presented by: Allender & Allender, P.A.

12:15pm           “SLIP”                         This safety presentation covers fall prevention, medication

                                    safety, safe driving and pedestrian safety           

                                    Presented by: Health First                 


Admission and parking are FREE.  The Law Firm of Allender and Allender is sponsoring a FREE lunch from Chick-fil-A and CarePlus is providing FREE cold water for attendees from 11:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m. (while supplies last).


A $100 Wal-Mart gift card will be given away every hour beginning at 9am. In addition, an array of door prizes donated by participating vendors will be given away throughout the day. Come on out for an exciting day of fun and activity!


For additional information, please call 321-264-6933 or go to for more information on Brevard County TRIAD and the 12th Annual Senior Fest.


The Brevard County TRIAD is a nonprofit organization aspiring to enable all Brevard seniors to live safely with dignity and independence. Its membership is made up of local senior-involved professionals, law enforcement, senior education service agencies and local seniors, who work together to provide services, improving the quality of life and enhancing the safety of our seniors through programs, such as Independent Living Program and Project Fight Back.


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