September 8, 2011 Brevard State Attorney's Office and Board of County Commissioners Pay Tribute to th Victims of 9/11.


Brevard State Attorney’s Office and Board of County Commissioners

Pay Tribute to the Victims of 9/11


            Workers from the Office of State Attorney Norm Wolfinger and the Board of County Commissioners will host an observation and tribute to the victims of Sept. 11, 2001 during “A Moment of Remembrance” on Friday in Viera at the Reflecting Pool on Friday, Sept. 9, at 9 a.m.


            Employee volunteers from the offices will place 2,977 flags commemorating the victims, followed by additional volunteers speaking each victim’s name during the ceremony. A wreath will be floated to the accompaniment of a bagpiper following brief remarks.


            The public is welcome.


Lynne Bumpus-Hooper
Communications and Research Assistant
for State Attorney Norm Wolfinger

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